Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

More British Leave Home to Live Overseas

   Beth Collingz, Overseas Sales Director, PLC International Marketing Networks, for Pacific Concord Properties Inc's Lancaster Brand of Condotels in the Philippines said a closer look at the figures released by the UK's Office for National Statistic showed that of those who left last year 196000 were British citizens while 189000 were long term migrants who had been living in the UK for more than a year.

The surprising emigration figures begs the question why are people leaving in such numbers. Surprisingly it seems that one of the main reasons for the British to pack their bags is the British weather. Sun starved Brits have had a very wet summer and the grey skies which are meant to be blue have hardly appeared Collingz advises: Brits are familiar with the idea that we only have two seasons - the winter and July. It seems that this year, with the terrible weather we have experienced in July and throughout the summer, many people are not prepared to sit through a year-long winter.

Recent research from PLC's UK client base found that favorable weather is a key reason consumers give for retiring to the Philippines. Some 60 per cent of buyers for our Lancaster Condotel units told us that the climate is one of the main attractions for retirement in the Philippines. Interest in Philippine property rose by 70 per cent year-on-year in June and by 60 per cent in July. People buy property abroad for many different reasons but a depressing British summer is enough to spur any overseas property buyer or investor into action commented Collingz. Fort those considering emigrating to the Philippines and to ensure you get the best possible start in your new home overseas you will want to begin with as much money as possible. One of the key ways of doing this is to carefully choose the method for the transfer of your assets into your new home and availability of local financing for property purchases is a key factor.

The Lancaster Brand of Condotels in the Philippines offers no-prequalification 12 year payment plans extended by the developer Pacific Concord Properties Inc. UK Tax Payers can also taking advantage of tax incentives and Investing their Self-Invested Pension Plan [SIPP] In Philippine Condotel Investment Real Estate for Rental Income and Retirement. Collingz explained that the Self Invested Pension Plan [SIPP] is a personal pension plan but with one very significant difference: administration is separate from investment content, giving the plan holder freedom to choose for himself and change the investments within it. The long-awaited rules on what savers can include in their personal pension plans were unveiled in April 2006 by HM Revenue & Customs.

The Guidance Notes confirm that the Self Invested Pension Plan [SIPP] allows holders to invest in hotels such as the Lancaster Brand of Condo Hotels in the Philippines. The only stipulation is that SIPP holders may not stay in their rooms. With more nights available for paying guests, this not surprisingly increases the room owners' returns. It is estimated there are now more than 70,000 plans holding over £14bn.
 A year or so ago, few people in the UK realized that they could manage their Pension Plan portfolios themselves, and even fewer knew that they could invest their SIPP retirement money in homes in the sun which now prove to be among the most popular potential investments to include in a SIPP.
  If you're considering using your SIPP to invest in real estate, there are some excellent reasons that you should choose Philippine Condotel Investment real estate to drive your retirement portfolio into high profit margins. The Philippines is ideal for this type of investment because a SIPP can establish title to a property in a country whose legal framework recognizes trusts – and a SIPP is simply another form of trust. Investing in foreign real estate is neither as risky nor as tricky as a lot of people would have you believe. While land and housing prices in the U.K. have soared astronomically in the past decade, the world real estate market is a far different story.

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